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(a little about the author)

THIS COUNTRY HAS BEEN VERY GOOD TO ME. I CAN NO LONGER STAND BY AND WATCH PROGRESSIVES FUNDEMENTALLY CHANGE LIFE AS WE KNOW IT. BABY BOOMERS HAVE DONE THEIR SHARE TO SCREW THINGS UP! I FEEL WE SHOULD  DO OUR SHARE TO HELP FIX THINGS. I DON'T KNOW MY COUNTRY ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE USE THIS SITE PROPERLY.  Violence is not my way. However, I don't back up and I don't back down! I will not sit down and shutup. We are the progressive's biggest mightmare. Enjoy, particapate, but do not abuse.



My goal is to bring people of like minds and hearts together. This is place to post positive thoughts about what's on your mind. I firmly believe that it is the grassroots movement that will save our country.


If you are of a like mind, this site was designed for you. Please know that you are not alone and one person can make a difference. Help me prove my theory and join us. I could also use a little help keeping the site current


(my reasons for creating this sight)

I am a novice at this whole thing, so please bear with me. I very much wanted to do something to help "WE THE PEOPLE" accomplish their goals. After giving many things much thought I came to the conclusion this would be my best efforts. I have a favor to ask, I need your input as to the content and anything you would like to see added to the site.


I though to create a place to access news, websites, opinions, and most importantly a place where people of like minds could meet. This way it would be easy to get caught up on the events of the day as well as a place to leave you thoughts.  It would be a great source for networking of grassroots groups through links to websites (like FreedomWorks) and shared contact information.


I am in the process of developing a database for those of us who wish to colaberate and perhaps even form a group of our own. Our imagination is the oly limit. 



In closing, please join the site, partisipate,  and pass it on to friends and family.  Please remember to be kind and respectful of others, however I donot have much use for "Politically Correct"  perspectives. "THE TRUTH HAS NO AGENDA" (the Blaze)



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